Tuesday, January 5

Predominance of Coccobacilli

I had my first pap smear last month and when the result came out, I have a severe infection. According to my pap smear comments, I had severe inflammation abundant neutrophils and predominance of coccobacilli consistent with shift in vaginal flora.

My obgyne prescribed to take doxycycline for 7 days to be taken twice a day. She also give me neo-penotran (metrodinozole), a vaginal suppository for 7 days. This suppository should be inserted into the vagina up to the cervix before going to bed.

At first, I was hesitant to insert it because it is my first time to do it, but I want to get rid of my infection so I have no choice but to insert it. If you prefer to use you hand, be sure to wash it properly to avoid any other infection

After one week of treatment, I don’t have any heavy vaginal discharge. Before my pap smear, I never thought that I have bacterial vaginal infection because I don’t feel any pain, itch and burning while urinating. I just only noticed that I have an excessive amount of yellowish vaginal discharge.

Tuesday, April 14

My Daughter Food and Diet

My daughter is complaining about her stomach ache and at the same with vomiting. After a few hours of observing her condition, I and my husband decided to go the hospital for check up. The doctor or physician get urine and blood sample for testing and find out that there is a bacterial infection in her urine or urinary tract infection (UTI). Thanks God, that is only mild infection so she is not admitted to the hospital. The doctor gives her only antibiotic to be taken twice a day for 7 days and medicine for her abdominal pain.

Recently we eat frequently in the fast food and my daughter favorite menu is fried chicken. Often times, fried chicken from fast food is salty and my daughter drinks only a few waters that’s why she gets her urinary tract infection. I blame myself because for the past days I have been very busy so I was not able to cook good food for my family.

As of now, I really mean to watch out my daughter’s food. I see to it that she drinks a lot of water and eat fresh fruits. Avoid sugary snack and salty snack such as chocolate cookies, softdrinks and candies. As much as possible I give her a lot of juices including cranberries juice, calamansi juice and lemon juice. Also, I follow nutritional guidelines for my family.

Wednesday, February 25

Baby Sleep Schedule

For new parents out there, there are very curious in terms of how much time their newborn baby should sleep. Below information is adapted from wyeth brochure taken when I was pregnant.

The first few days will pass by in one big blur. Baby’s schedule may be erratic for the first few weeks. He may seem to be awake all the time! Again, take it easy.

Not all babies are regular as the clock. Newborn average 16 hours of sleeps a day and may remain drowsy the rest of the time. It is not strange for a baby to sleep as little as eight hours a day.

In time, baby will sleep longer at night by the time he or she reaches eleven pounds. Although baby will set a schedule that is convenient for him, you can nevertheless influence one that is more or less to your advantage. You can keep baby awake in the morning so your baby will tire out and go to sleep longer at night. Talk to your baby while feeding and do not offer toys and playtime as distractions.

At night, feed baby in a quiet room or play soft, soothing music and keep the light low. Put baby to bed as soon as you’ve burped him.

Put baby to bed on his side or flat on his back. Do not let baby sleep on his stomach as this may prevent him from breathing easily. You may put baby on his stomach to burp him, but place him on his side soon after so any additional air can escape and your baby won’t choke on hi spit-up. Placing baby on his side is advisable during the first days to avoid putting pressure on his healing navel. Later on, your baby can choose whatever position is comfortable for him or her.

Monday, December 22

Two Types of Health Insurance Coverage

(source: The New Complete Medical and Health Encyclopedia vol. III)

In general, private health insurance coverage is one of two kinds: group and individual. Employers, unions, and other kinds of organization typically provide group insurance as an employee or membership benefit. An individual can buy individual insurance whether or not he or she is covered under a group policy. But a good group policy usually covers all the major health problems or contingencies that a person could face under normal circumstances.

Group insurance has a number of specific advantages over individual coverage, among them are the following:

  • Because a number of people can be included under a single contract, with consequent savings to the insurer in sales, administrative, and claims costs, the insurer can charge less per individual covered.
  • In most cases the company, union or organization holding the group contract pays part or all of the individual premiums.
  • With group insurance the health of the individual insured person is usually not a major factor in determining eligibility. The insurance company is more interested in the average age and overall health status of the group. The health of individuals may become a selection factor, however, where small groups, 10 or fewer persons, are involved.
  • Unless an individual leaves a job or gives up a membership, his or her group coverage cannot be canceled. Termination of the group plan itself would, of course, terminate coverage.
Despite such advantages, individual and family policies fulfill at least two fundamental needs. First, they provide coverage for persons who are not members of the insured group. Such policies may also cover those who cannot, for whatever reason, obtain group coverage. Second, the individual or family policy can provide supplementary coverage where a group plan does not meet all basic health insurance needs

Group and individual plans differ in basic ways. Where a group policy establishes the level of benefits for all group members, the individual policy can more easily be tailored to specific requirements. With the individual policy, too, each person or family is enrolled separately. The cost of individual insurance is usually substantially higher because the insurer considers the age, health status of the insured, and other factors when setting premium rates.

Wednesday, December 17

Initial and Later Stages of Cancer

Initial Stages

The cancer may start with just one or a few cells somewhere in the body that undergo a change and become malignant, or cancerous. The cells divide and reproduce themselves, and the cancer grows.

Most cancers arise on the surface of a tissue, such as the skin, the lining of the uterus, mouth, stomach, bowel, bladder, or bronchial tube in the lung, or inside a duct in the breast, prostate gland, or other site. Eventually, they grow from a microscopic clump to a visible mass, then begin to invade underlying tissues. As long as the cells remain in one mass, however, the cancer is localized.

Later Stages

At some later phase, in a process called metastasis, some of the cancer cells split off and are swept into the lymph channels or bloodstream to other parts of the body. They may be captured for a while in a nearby lymph node ( a stage called regional involvement), but unless the disease is arrested, it will rapidly invade the rest of the body, with death the almost certain result. Some cancers grow with a malevolent rapidity; some are dormant by comparison. Some respond to various therapies, such as radiation therapy; others do not.


Thursday, November 20

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Person with healthy lifestyle is far from illnesses. Living a healthy lifestyle means enjoying life without worries, stress, depression, and less disease. Balance your life to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Some Tips to Healthy Lifestyle

- Good personal hygiene
- Quit smoking
- Balance your life
- Eating healthy breakfast
- Live simply
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Love yourself
- Laugh often

Now a day, it’s really hard to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle because of busy schedules and world is become complicated. But if we want to prolong our life we will be responsible for our health.

Friday, October 17

Tips to Parent to Prevent Drug Abuse

Any problem that confronts the member of the family specially if it is the problem of the children should be the concern of the adults or parents. Following are the suggestions to parents, to prevent drug abuse:

  1. Create a warm and friendly atmosphere at home.
  2. Develop more effective means of communication by being open, honest, frank about things that matter between them and their children.
  3. Understand and accept their children for what they are and not for what the want them to be.
  4. Develop and maintain mutual respect by showing faith and confidence in their children’s ability to think and reason clearly.
  5. Always remember that they exert a profound influence in their children’s lives by service as models. Their children can see how they meet the stresses of everyday life which will be their basis in meeting future problems.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists agree that a happy family is the only solution to drug addiction.