Friday, August 8

Obesity and Overweight among Children: Causes, Prevention and Effects

I decided to post obesity among children because I noticed that one of the common problems of children today is becoming overweight. Maybe because of today’s generation, modern technology including internet gaming can be one factor that cause obesity. I observed that children are lack of physical activities such as exercise, running, jogging, playing outside, and involve in sports, they become addicted in internet gaming.

Some Causes of Overweight

- Unhealthy eating habit

In today’s generation, time is so fast that everyone is on the hurry. Some parents usually prepare prepackaged meal or foods from fast food. These foods are far higher in calories, fats, sugars, and salt that cause weight gain

- Lack of Physical Activity

Due to increasing popularity of television, computers and video games, children are tending to spend time in front of tube instead of doing some sport or other physical activity. Children who watch more than 4 hours a day are more likely to be overweight compared with kids who watch 2 hours or less. There’s also a scenario that a child may eat a junk food while watching their favorite show.

- Genetic Factors

Genes help determine body type and how your body stores and burns fat just like they help determine other traits. But we cannot blame genes alone as contributing factor to obesity, family habits such as eating and activity habits are also to be considered.

Some Prevention of Obesity and Overweight

  • Get your child involved more on physical activity
    • Be a model to your family. If your child sees that you are physically active and fun, they are likely to be active. Remember that your child is a great imitator.
    • Provide a family activities which involves exercise and enjoyment such as swimming, biking, walking, running and dancing.
  • Encourage your children to eat proper foods by offering a variety of healthy foods from Food Guide Pyramid. Teach your kids to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, limit sugar-sweetened beverages, and eat breakfast every day.
  • Reduce the amount of viewing time in television and gaming time with computer games and video games.
  • Don’t maintain clean plate policy. Don’t force your child to continue eating even if they are already satisfied. Tell them that they should only eat when they’re hungry.
  • Don’t reward with sweet for good behavior and try to eliminate sweets from kid’s diet.
  • Discourage eating meals or snack while watching television.

Some Effects of Obesity

  • Obesity is often link to several diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol and abnormal blood lipid
  • Obese kids may also be prone to low self-esteem because they are being that being teased, bullied, or rejected by peers. They often feel isolated and lonely which could lead to depression
  • Overweight girls may have irregular menstrual cycle and fertility problem in adulthood
  • Liver and gall bladder disease
  • Obese children are more likely to be adult obese.

All family members must participate in the increased activity. Parents should be a good model to their children and accompany for bike rides, walks or swim and it should be fun and feel good for their children. Parents should promote healthy eating among their children. If parents eat healthy foods, they are modeling a healthy lifestyle habits to their children that will last.

Always remember that the most important is to let your children know that they love them no matter what.

Is your Child is Overweight

If you think that your child is overweight, contact your pediatrician. Your doctor will measure your child’s weight and height if your child is within the healthy range. He can also assess your child’s eating and activity habits and make suggestion on how to make positive changes.

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