Thursday, September 11

What is Hives?

Hives are indications of allergic sensitivity to various foods, drugs, furs, fabrics, cosmetics, or a reaction to emotional stress. It is not solely blamed to sting bites of insects.

Hives appears as red or white welts on the skin which may disappear a suddenly as they come, or may last for several days.

The development of hives (urticaria) occurs when the body releases histamine, an organic compound of the human tissues that is produced during allergic reactions. The process would cause a widening of the blood capillaries, then the plasma escapes, producing swelling on the skin surface.

The food causing allergies are strawberries, peaches, nuts, shellfish, pork and some wheat products. Feathers, woolen fabrics, and animal furs could cause surface irritants. Cosmetics containing chemical dyes, serums in the form of vaccines for immunization, and various drugs, chiefly penicillin and some medicine for hypertension, could cause hives to appear.

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