Friday, April 11

Emotional Development of the Newborn

Emotional development is noticed as the child learns to express feelings. The first emotion a child will display is excitement. A child may show the emotions of fear, pleasure, anger and joy for the first few months. A child is capable of expressing affection at about 9 months. The first hug and kiss are one of the most precious moments treasured by parents.

Infant's total dependency forces him to interact with others in order to fulfill his needs. Social interaction begins almost immediately. Evidence of social development is seen as the baby responds to the people around him. At 4 to 6 weeks the child's face lights up as his mother or father approaches. At about 6 months the baby wants to play interactive game such as "pat-a-cake" and "peek-a-boo". At about 9 or 10 months the child learns that things continue to exist even when they are out-of-sight. Prior to this, the child assumes things become nonexistent when they vanish from sight. The child begins to show signs of curiosity about things happening outside his vision. He knows to look for lost toys or forbidden objects.

Learning is enhanced by routine. The child learns to associate being bathe, dressed in pajamas, and listening stories in bedtime. The child learns from interaction with others.

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