Every young child has tantrums. It is a way of expressing their feelings and frustrations. Don’t panic it is a part of their growing up. It is often occurs in children between one to fours years old and frequently after the second birthday. It may happen anytime such as during bedtime, getting dress, getting up, bath time, meal time, watching TV, visitors at home, interaction with peers, car rides and playtime.
As parents we must know how to deal with tantrums. We must know what cause of tantrums is so that we can cope up with it. The following are tips to prevent temper tantrums.
- Know the situation that triggers your child tantrums. Tantrum usually increases if the child is hungry, upset, frustrated, tired or ill.
- Remain cool and calm. Remember that we are teaching our child to have self-control.
- Ignore the attention-seeking tantrums. Once he is calm down, give the attention that he is desired. It makes them realize that it is not work out and they may choose to behave.
- Avoid shouting or yelling at your child. It can make things even worse.
- Don’t bribe, reward or punish your children.
- Discuss tantrums afterwards. Don’t talk to your child while he is screaming and wait until he is calm down.
- Distract your child. Divert child’s attention by offering other things.
- Hold the child who is out of control to ensure that he may not get hurt. Reassure that everything is all right and help the child to calm down.
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