Tuesday, April 15

Relationships with Mother and Father

It is important that mother provides a warm and loving environment as the child’s need. During the toddler stage, wherein the child develops the real relationship with his mother. In most cases, the mother is the loving, warm, secure comforter in child’s life, the giver of rewards and disciplinarian of his activities, the center of his life. During this time, it is imperative that the child’s father spend as much time with his son or daughter as possible, so that the child starts to recognize the difference between his relationship to his mother and father.

In most cases, the father is the provider of financial needs. He is responsible for the financial obligation of the family, may it impossible to spend enough time with his family. This is an unfortunate fact, but one can be dealt positively, it is the quality of the time a father spends with his child rather than the quantity that is most important.

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