12-15 months
- Imitate actions such as covering eyes while playing Peekaboo.
- Make use of gesture words to express desires such as: Raising arms to be picked up, or saying “ball” or pointing a certain object.
15-18 months
- Know how to respond to others.
- Address other with greetings.
- Imitate activities such as cleaning up or talking on a phone, sweeping the floor.
18-24 months
- Learn to be separate with their parents.
- Use words to label his or her emotions.
- Develop social behavior such as hugging a teddy bear or feeding a doll.
- Self-recognition, self reference.
- Can play turn-taking games.
- Display attachment such as giving a hug to a parent, sharing toys with playmates, and showing empathy to others.
- Separation anxiety.
24-36 months
- Make choices in terms of clothes and entertainment.
- Knows the difference between the boys and the girls.
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